“Importa construir sociedades que façam sentido para quem nelas vive. Contra a maré, fazer-se ao mar.”
“It is important to build societies that make sense for those who live in them. Against the tide, put to sea.”
Felwine Sarr

CONTRA A MARÉ is a short documentary film that follows the daily lives of people who were born, live and dream in Guinea-Bissau. For Guinea-Bissau. A dream of hope and often postponed, a dream that carries with it its heavy colonial historical past, but which resists the destiny outlined by the West, breaking the idea of ​​being a country eternally postponed.

The premiere will take place on October 27th, at 7:30 pm, at Cinema Fernando Lopes, in Lisbon.
Free entry.

Direction: Inês Ventura
Photography: Mário Cruz
Production Assistant: Lucínio Cabral
Editing: Inês Ventura, Mário Cruz and Paulo Próspero
Color: Paulo Próspero
Sound Design and Mixing: João Silva and Sérgio Silva
Campaign: tODxS - pela Educação para o Desenvolvimento e a Cidadania Global
Executive Production: IMVF - Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr | FEC - Fundação Fé e Cooperação
Co-financing: Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P.
Production: NARRATIVA
Distribution: A Raposa Branca